業績報告 【publish】永橋尭之 先生 Intern Med誌

永橋尭之先生の論文が、Internal Medicine(Journal Citation Reports Impact Factor 2021 = 1.282)にpublishされました。

Intern Med. 2023 Mar 22. doi: 10.2169/internalmedicine.1180-22. Online ahead of print.

Delayed Perforation after Endoscopic Detachable Snare Ligation for Colonic Diverticular Hemorrhage

Takayuki Nagahashi, Koichi Hamada, Yoshinori Horikawa, Yoshiki Shiwa, Kae Techigawara, Daizo Fukushima, Noriyuki Nishino, Yukitoshi Todate, Atsushi Irisawa

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PMID: 36948616 DOI: 10.2169/internalmedicine.1180-22
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A 74-year-old man was admitted to our hospital with severe hematochezia. Abdominal enhanced computed tomography (CT) demonstrated extravasation of contrast material from the descending colon. Colonoscopy revealed recent bleeding in the descending colon diverticulum. Bleeding was stopped using detachable snare ligation. Eight days later, the patient developed abdominalgia, and CT revealed free air caused by delayed perforation. The patient underwent emergency surgery. Perforation at the ligation site was detected using intraoperative colonoscopy. This report is the first to describe a case of delayed perforation after endoscopic detachable snare ligation for colonic diverticular hemorrhage.

Keywords:Colonic diverticular hemorrhage; Delayed perforation; Endoscopic detachable snare ligation.
