業績報告 【publish】山宮 知 先生 Diagnostics誌
山宮 知先生の論文が、Diagnostics誌(Journal Citation Reports Impact Factor 2019 = 3.110)にpublishされました。
Diagnostics (Basel). 2020 Nov 15;10(11):E953. doi:10.3390/diagnostics10110953.
Interobserver Reliability of Endoscopic Ultrasonography: Literature Review
Akira Yamamiya, Atsushi Irisawa, Ken Kashima, Yasuhito Kunogi, Kazunori Nagashima, Takahito Minaguchi, Naoya Izawa, Akane Yamabe, Koki Hoshi, Keiichi Tominaga, Makoto Iijima, Kenichi Goda
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PMID: 33203069 DOI: 10.3390/diagnostics10110953
Endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS) has been applied to the diagnosis of various digestive disorders. Although it has been widely accepted and its diagnostic value is high, the dependence of EUS diagnosis on image interpretation done by the endosonographer has persisted as an important difficulty. Consequently, high interobserver reliability (IOR) in EUS diagnosis is important to demonstrate the reliability of EUS diagnosis. We reviewed the literature on the IOR of EUS diagnosis for various diseases such as chronic pancreatitis, pancreatic solid/cystic mass, lymphadenopathy, and gastrointestinal and subepithelial lesions. The IOR of EUS diagnosis differs depending on the disease; moreover, EUS findings with high IOR and those with IOR that was not necessarily high were used as diagnostic criteria. Therefore, to further increase the value of EUS diagnosis, EUS diagnostic criteria with high diagnostic characteristics based on EUS findings with high IOR must be established.
Keywords: chronic pancreatitis; endoscopic ultrasonography; gallbladder wall thickening; interobserver reliability; intrapancreatic accessory spleen; lymphadenopathy; pancreatic cystic lesion; solid pancreatic lesion; subepithelial lesion.